He graduated with honors from the University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan while working on wide-ranging civil law has focused his professional experience in the field of labor law, particularly with regard to the management of all issues related to labor relations of most varied and labor relations , including in the transfer operations of the company and corporate restructuring , as well as in relation to contracts of agency and distribution .
Since 2006, Andrea Salerno passion for labor law and stable part of the jury of the Chair of Labour Law at the Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. The passion for the subject has led to the lawyer. Andrea Salerno to investigate the matter through the attainment of a PhD in labor law and industrial relations in the same chair, in addition to diligently participate in courses, conferences and training seminars offered by ASERI, CEDRI and other institutions of Higher Education .
He has participated and still participate, as a speaker in labor law and industrial relations at training courses and Master of first and second level.
In 2012 he participated as an expert in labor law in the international project ” Socio-economic development of the population of southern Lebanon ” NGO Ctm of Lecce.
In October 2013, as a result of this experience, he decided to establish his own studio in Milan.
The lawyer Salerno is in close collaboration with other professionals in its network specialized in different branches of law with which form ad hoc teams for the resolution of cases in which the need for a multidisciplinary approach.
Languages: Italian, English.